I am Manik


Viral Diseases Simulator
A simulation system built in python with matplotlib and numpy to simulate how a virus can spread, based on social conditions and characteristics of the virus. Project also has a helper cross platform GUI which allows users to easily play around with the settings and different scenarios.

A fetch program to get system details with ASCII art support, allows of various configurations and custom ASCII art. Built for linux.

Accent Recognition System using Convolutional Neural Networks.
An accent recognition classification system creating using two different classification paradigms, Convolutional Neural Networks and Gaussian Mixture Models. Project currently underway

Virtual Reality Integration for Surveillance and Exploration Vehicles
My undergrad major project, currently still being worked upon. The main focus of this project was to develop and introduce 360-Degree Virtual Reality Video for remote controlled vehicles used in the field, tackling networking and hardware issues. The project currently uses only FOSS hardware and software, and everything developed will be released as FOSS as well.

Pi-hole Info
Program to read and display information from your Pi-hole on your terminal screen. Made using python, the script utilized the Pi-hole API.

Weather Station
A project created for an Internet of Things class I took in my undergraduate degree, the project utilised a Raspberry Pi, and Arduino, and a bunch of sensors which collected and analysed the current weather data(Temperature, Humidity, and Air Quality). The data was then logged and then presented on a dashboard and a linked twitter account further tweeted the weather summary periodically.